Posted: October 11, 2024
Lunch: Meatloaf burger, broccoli, fries, mixed fruit
Monday Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, toast or cereal
Monday Lunch: Chicken nuggets, broccoli, fries, pears
For any boys going out for wrestling grades 9-12, there is a mandatory meeting during homebase 12:35-12:50 in JH wrestling room Oct. 14th. They will be discussing body comp. and other preseason matters. Any questions see Coach Anderlik or Coach Schmauss.
Crestwood Speech Team informational meeting will be held October 22, 7:30-8:00 a.m. or 3:30-4:00 p.m. in the hs auditorium. Please plan to attend one of these meetings. There will be information about the upcoming season, competition dates, practice, and sign up.
Yearbooks on sale for $55. Forms are available in the high school office or online at:
9th/Varsity FB @ New Hampton
10-12-24 – IHSMA State Marching Contest in Dubuque
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