Posted: January 24, 2025
Lunch: Chicken sandwich, peas, hashbrown patties, peaches
Monday Breakfast: Breakfast pizza or cereal
Monday Lunch: Chicken drumstick, green beans, sweet potato wedges, dinner roll, pineapple
Crestwood Dollars for Scholars is looking for Junior and Senior volunteers to participate in their annual phonathon. The phonathon is taking place on January 29th beginning at 6:00pm. If you are a Junior or Senior who will ask for scholarship money from Dollars for Scholars to attend college, please sign up in the office. You can sign up in pairs and work together. Dinner is provided and the event will take roughly 2 hours. Thanks for volunteering.
Winter Formal Dance sign-up sheet is the high school office. Pay $5 now or $7 at the door.
Yearbooks on sale for $60. Forms are available in the high school office or online at:
9/JV/V BBB @ Charles City
JV GBB @ Charles City
District Large Group Speech Contest @ Turkey Valley
Girls Wrestling @ Mason City HS
Wrestling @ Williamsburg HS
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